DECnet/Python downloadable materials

Downloadable PyDECnet kits

"Binary" kits

This is a "wheel" file meant to be installed by the standard "pip" utility. You can point pip directly at the URL, or download the file and point pip at the downloaded file. Depending on your Python installation you may need to refer to "pip3" or "pip3.n" for some specific version number.

DECnet/Python V1.1.0 (current production version)

"Source" kits

This is a "tar" archive which you can unpack and examine. You can run the code from that directory, or use the "setup" tool to install it, possibly with local modifications. Test scripts and documentation are also included.

DECnet/Python V1.1.0 (current production version)

If you want to make changes, especially if you want to contribute them to the project, you should instead use the GitHub repository.

PyDECnet documentation

These documents are includes in the "doc" subdirectory of the source kits, but are also supplied here for convenience.

Summary of release change history

Overview of DECnet/Python.

Installation instructions.

DECnet/Python configuration files. This describes how to write the configuration files for PyDECnet.

Running DECnet/Python.

DECnet/Python API access with "connectors". This describes the new "connectors" classes which provide a simple procedural interface to the PyDECnet API.

DECnet/Python API services.

Internals documentation.

Older versions

DECnet/Python V1.0 (build 596) binary kit

DECnet/Python V1.0 (build 596) source kit