This document summarizes significant changes in the code, newest change at the top. "Significant" means a non-trivial functional change or a change that affects how you use or install the application. ---------------------------------------- DECnet/Python V1.1 This is the second release of DECnet/Python. Source control for DECnet/Python now using Git, hosted on Github. The former Subversion repository has been retired and has been taken off-line to avoid confusion. Changes for this release, from the T1.1 beta 3 described below: a. "psutil" is no longer required (mostly because it doesn't work with the "free threading" variant of Python 3.13). b. New application: tlk. c. New object: lsn. d. Various bugfixes for issues reported against T1.1. e. Source control for DECnet/Python is now done using Git, on Github. ---------------------------------------- DECnet/Python T1.1 This is a beta test version of what will become DECnet/Python V1.1. 1.1-648: Third beta This contains a number of bugfixes and documentation updates. 1.1-628: Additional changes for second beta a. Implemented "login" authentication in session control. Add a basic FAL object (DAP file access server) which is intended to use this. FAL only support directory scan and file get -- no operations that modify anything. Also add a simple NFT application; this has been tested against RSTS, RSX, VMS, and Ultrix. b. Implement PMR ("Poor man's routing") including transparent support for connecting via PMR in the simple and asynchronous connectors. c. Corrections to Phase II intercept support, and addition of an intercept requestor option (for endnodes and by default for a Phase II PyDECnet node). d. Several applications included: ncp, nft, rcclient, dnping, mirror-daemon 1.1-599: New version since there are significant visible changes in this version: a. New API, using full duplex JSON over Unix sockets. See doc/api.txt for detailed descriptions. b. The API now includes an interface to the Session Control layer, to allow applications to send and receive DECnet traffic. The "applications" directory contains several example programs that use this feature. The existing pipe interface used for "file" DECnet objects is still in place; it it essentially the session-only subset of the general API. Note that the previous JSON key "mtype" has been changed to "type". The samples (decnet/applications/ etc.) have been updated to reflect this. c. Two wrappers are provided to simplify writing programs that use the API, one for one at a time request/response exchanges, the other using the Python "asyncio" framework supporting multiple full duplex flows. There are "mirror" sample programs in decnet/applications that show both (as well as the original "raw" pipe API). d. Phase II "intercept" support is much improved. It appears to work properly with TOPS-20 V4.1, at least if there is no packet loss. Support for tracking outstanding packets and retransmitting them if needed is to be done later. The current code also does not handle connections where only some of the packets have routing headers, which is defined in the spec but apparently not used by TOPS-20. e. Packet parsing performance has been improved across the board. The parsing of routing packets (hops/cost vectors) is more than 10x faster than before. f. The --api and --insecure-api switches on the "http" configuration line have been removed. Instead, API control is via a new "api" line. See doc/config.txt for details. ---------------------------------------- DECnet/Python V1.0 The latest V1.0 revision is rev 595 (which contains some bugfixes beyond the latest change shown below) 1.0-586: Add loop node support (currently only for point to point circuits). Add support for DDCMP over synchronous links, using a USB-connected synchronous framer. See for hardware and software design files and documentation for that device. 1.0-584: Since the circuit configuration switches --destination, --dest-port, --source, and --source-port were confusing for "listen" mode circuits and other cases where one would naturally think in terms of inbound traffic, this version introduces new switches --remote-address, --remote-port, --local-address, and --local-port respectively. The old names still work but the new names are the documented ones and are preferred. 1.0-575: Correct documentation omission: in rev 570, the circuit configuration spec was changed so "" is no longer recognized as "any address allowed". Instead, use an empty address or the special value "*". 1.0-570: IPv6 support, which introduces new configuration file options for circuits and http. The old syntax for circuit destination configuration specs still works but is deprecated (it's harder to use) and does not handle IPv6 addresses. PyDECnet now requires the psutil module. 1.0-556: Ethernet "tap" support for Linux is now included, thanks to Keith Halewood for supplying the patch. 1.0-552: Allow configuration records to override (supplement) earlier ones with certain restrictions. See doc/config.txt for details. 1.0-539: Remove the pydecnet script. This is now created by the installation procedure. See doc/install.txt for details.